Monthly Archives: August 2013

Joyland- Stephen King

Aside from what is by now King’s obligatory awful sex scene, this was a fun, sweet, fast read.  Not much beyond surface, of course, but the surface is nice enough to while away the hour or two it will take … Continue reading

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Blue Plate Special: An Autobiography of my Appetites- Kate Christensen

I definitely checked this one out by mistake, thinking it was by the incredible Kate Atkinson (really, go read Life After Life right now, and then go read Behind the Scenes at the Museum right after) and was disappointed to find, … Continue reading

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The Shining Girls- Lauren Beukes & NOS4A2- Joe Hill

How many books about an anachronistic killer of women who is guided by magical objects to his victims can a person reasonably read? One apparently, at least without having the second feel somewhat a slog.  I read NOS4A2 first and, … Continue reading

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